Recent Changes to Apple Configurator
Apple have now made it easier to get your Macs into Apple Business manager/Apple school manager via the recently released Apple Configurator for iOS.

Apple Configurator
With macOS Monterey, Apple has made it possible to get Mac devices into Apple Business Manager/Apple School Manager without having to purchase them from an approved reseller or from Apple directly. This new method involves the Apple Configurator app for iOS – this is big news as you have a greater degree of ownership and control on devices in ABM/ASM, and you can benefit from zero-touch deployment if you are redeploying them.
New Key Feature
With the introduction of macOS 12 Monterey, it’s now possible to retroactively enrol Macs with a T2 or M1 chip into Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager, if the Macs were either purchased from a non-DEP approved reseller, or if the Macs were previously released from an MDM server.
The process involves downloading Apple Configurator for iOS, logging into the app with a Managed Apple ID for your organisation (with device manager permissions as a minimum) and then enrolling the Mac during the setup assistant. Please note – this only works if the Mac isn’t currently assigned to an Apple Business Manager/Apple School Manager instance.
The enrolment is considered provisional for 30 days, meaning a user can remove the Mac from Apple Business Manager/Apple School Manager, so it’s recommended to enrol your Macs and leave them in a cupboard or safe place until the 30-day period has elapsed. This minimises the risk of employees or students removing the device from ABM/ASM.
Once enrolled, the Macs will need to be moved from the “Apple Configurator 2” MDM server in Apple Business Manager/Apple School Manager, into the relevant MDM server.
User guide
Please find the Apple step by step guide below for more information.
If you need any assistance with the topics discussed today, or help in general with your Macs, just get in touch with the moof IT team.