
Introducing the macOS reminder System By moof IT

Moof IT
  • The latest update in our Jamf pro solution is the update reminder system.
  • The goal is to improve the adoption rate and reduce delays in applying critical macOS updates/upgrades to make devices safer.
  • The solution checks the macOS version on the device against the most recent supported version within your Jamf Pro instance, analysing how far behind the user is against the relevant OS version and prompts the user to take proper action.

What does the macOS reminder system aim to achieve?

This system aims to improve the adoption rate and reduce delays in applying critical macOS updates and upgrades. Moof has created this service to solve the following problems:

  • Apple has made it difficult to forcefully push macOS updates and upgrades to devices without significantly affecting user experience
  • Apple has released several critical security patches that require quick installation otherwise the devices are at risk.
  • Users often ignore OS & security updates, so a solution is needed that becomes increasingly persistent the longer any update prompt is ignored.
  • It improves the adoption of Major OS upgrades.

How does the macOS reminder system work?

At a top level, moof IT have developed this solution using custom scripting. The solution checks the macOS version on the device against the most recent supported version within your Jamf Pro instance, then finds how far behind the user’s OS is and prompts the user to take proper action. If the user keeps ignoring the update or upgrades, the prompts will become more persistent.

moof IT clients will have been receiving their first notifications from October 1st if their device is in a non-compliant state.

Does your organisation need the macOS reminder update solution?

All Moof IT Jamf Pro clients will have this solution as standard due to the critical importance of macOS updates. We would recommend that all Jamf admins deploy a comparative solution, as, without it, devices and data are at a much higher risk of having known vulnerabilities exploited or having a major breach within their macOS estate.

Want the macOS update system? Contact moof IT today to keep your users and devices safe.

Contact Moof IT to discuss your Mac management needs

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